News ID: 85034
Publish Date: 17 December 2007 - 06:00

List of the memorial revolt and the martyrs of Entefazeh

Imam Khomeini


The roots of occupancy

World war one

Period between the two wars

A glimpse at the history of process of peace

Zionists brutal statistics in proceed of Entefazeh


Demolition of houses

Women and Entefazeh

Al Ola Entefazeh 

Al Aghasa Entefazeh

Entefazeh specifications and effects

My greetings to Qods and to Aghasa mosque and also to people who are fighting against oppressors; Israel


From the first day that the trust worthy voice borrowed its earth to create human beings, Palestine has always been a great place for giving birth to divine religions.

This holy history with promotion of precious Islam became more expanded and since then the 3 major religions the Jews, Christians and Muslims lived beside each other. Qods has always been an important place for Muslims therefore to take it back from foreigners the red blood of Muslims has always been boiling.

One time Salahodin Ayobi's soldiers sacrificed themselves to free Qods and today’s children of Entefazeh are devoting themselves to release Qods from Zionists clutches.

The roots of occupancy

In the last days of the 19th century great political transition was taking place in Europe that was influencing the relation between countries, governments and nations. At that time some new countries were forming, which in the last days of 20th century caused the first world war.

In such a condition the Jews instigated and persuaded the Jewish crowds who were attacking European countries and also those who were of religious pretexts and under the name of "a nation without a territory" chose a territory without a nation to live in. but the calamity about Palestine was that they reached a country that had its own nation and they basically kicked the real owners of the country out of their homes.

In 1987 the first Zionists congress was on with struggle of a Jewish politician called Theodore Hartselle.

Since then Zionists which the name was inspired by the name of a mountain in Palestine called Seihon, got a more serious political aspect. That means since that date the Jews struggled to bring a Jewish government to Palestine. After the congress of Hartselle gave the suggestion of selling that piece of land to the King Osmani who at the time Palestine was under, his possession the king didn’t accept the suggestion, but in return he agreed to the secret immigration of Jews to this land and this was only the beginning of the calamity!

War world I

In the interval of 1914 to 1918 when the number of Jewish people were reaching 80,000 and just in a situation where, war was coming to these places, a Zionist leader called Herbert Samuel from England who was a supporter of Zionists politics wanted to create a Jewish government in Palestine and therefore he dispatched 3-4 million  miscellaneous Jewish people there, so that London can have its satellite government and a profit protector of its own right beside Egypt and Suez canal which has always been a strategic floodway!

In 1917 London agreed to this request and Lord Bal fore who was England's foreign secretary at that time wrote his famous manifesto, stating, creating a Jewish government in Palestine and with the support of France, Italy and America of this manifesto the last brick of this transgression house was completed.

The period between the 2 wars

1st world war was ending when the assemblies who were influenced by the Jews succeeded the opinion of putting Palestine in the guardianship of England in a meeting of allied governments. This way the political condition for proving an independent Jewish government in Palestine was all set.

In 1928 the Jewish agency was formed which organized the immigrations of Jewish from all around the world to Palestine, and expenses of immigrants and the rest of the immigration matters.

Spreading of Jewish and Zionists immigration was faced with Arab objections, therefore in the early days of that period during 1930s some scattered quarrels between Arabs and the Jews were made, in which  all cases met with interference of the foreigners, the power of Palestinian protest was in blood and sweat.

In 1936 London interfered and by sending a commission called Pill suggested the idea of dividing Palestine to 3 zones of Jewish, Muslims and Arabs. But this suggestion was faced with the extreme objection of Arabs which was extinct immediately and lots of people were arrested and executed.

In 1939 a conference with the presence of representative of Arabs and Jews and Arabic countries was on in London, which was emphasizing forming a Palestinian government in Palestine. But this idea didn’t work either, until with the start of the World War II the international politics forced the colonization governments to give an independency to colony countries. Despite the colonial divisions which England made in the Middle-east, ending its possession to Palestine didn’t make Palestinians happy because in the middle of the night on 15th of may 1948 just when the president of England in Palestine stated that the London guardianship in Palestine is finished, Zionists announced the starting of Israeli government  there, just when a few minutes ago America as a Zionists regime supporter a few minutes after announcing Israeli government and just when the news of Palestine was still hot announced that this regime is official. Zionists who in 1944 got the agreement of Winston Churchill to create a Jewish army now for settlement of their brutal government didn’t need anything more! 

A glimpse at the history of process of peace

Arabs after announcement of the Zionists regime altogether came to war with them in 1973,1948,1956,1967. In the first 3 wars interference of huge powers caused the Arabs failure and a huge amount of Arab lands came in to the possession of Zionists. Only in 1973 Arabs succeeded in the war and were able to get back, and free some of their occupied lands. After the war some reasons which will be revealed later, Arabs had to come to terms with Zionists. We might be able to say that the Camp David deal which was made between the presidents of Egypt (Anvar Sadat) and America's (Jimmy Carter) and the president of Zionist regime (Monkhim Begin) was the first step for Arabs making up with Zionists.

Even though before that some secret debates were made between them. Some of the peaceful requests which unfortunately mostly were made by the Arabs are:

1) Fahd Plan)

In this thought the king of Israeli government is officially known and also is demanding Telaviv to pull out from the occupied lands after 1967.

2) Fas Plan

It's somehow so similar to Fahd idea with a little bit of change which in 1951 and before the official plan, was failed from consistent battle. This idea was approved by all the Arabic Nations (except for Libya).

3) Debates and contracts during the nineties

In the nineties peace discussions between Arabs and Jews were more official. During this period a range of changes were made such as end of cold war, the fall out of USSR and the Eastern block, Iraq invasion of Kuwait, finally meeting of Arab world leaded to increase the negotiations of agreement of some Palestinian drama such as Arafat party as well as Israel side.

In this step, Israelis even agreed to create an independent Palestinian government.

The main reasons were:

1) Transmission of Israel trepidation security to independent government, solving problems of Entefazeh and prevention from irregular troops of Islamic groups.

2) Being economical in military expenses in terms of termination of conflicts between Arab and Israelis, and use the budget to expand the economy.

3) Expanding the economy by reaching the big market of middle-east.     

 4) Reaching energy sources and cheap workforce in the locality

5) Discriminating countries like Iran, Libya and later Iraq.

6) With these intentions the Zionists welcomed the discussions with the Palestinian side.

 The important parts of the discussion were:

Madrid conference of peace which was an American idea with the message of "earth for peace" the first round of discussion was in Madrid the capital of Spain on 30th of October 1991 and with presence of Syrian groups, Lebanese, Israeli and collaboration groups of Jordon and Palestine.

These negotiations after 11 rounds of debating were left resultless. Even though with the indecency of colonial regime of Qods and accepting that as an official government was a success for Telaviv. 

Oslo peace contracts1 and 2

In the same time of Madrid's multi use negotiations, also in Oslo, capital of Norway, some confidential discussions between the two main parties that meant Saf and Israel were held. These discussions at the end were signed with the famous mutual agreement" Gaza Verei" between Arafat and Isaac Robin Israeli president at that time.

The final documents on 13th of September 1933 were signed and after that the "Taba" contract or Oslo2 was signed which completed the first contract.

 Zionists brutal recording in the proceeds of Entefazeh

In the beginning of Alghasa mosque Entefazeh Zionist armies made tragic scenes which caused resentment in the world and local communities. Unfortunately because of the harsh expurgate we don’t have access to the exact truth. The Latest news on this matter is about these mean and blind politics. Before anything is important to say that the inserted information's in this report is based on, the latest recordings and if there's any disputes in them it's because we had a general record and didn’t receive any details on them. So we tried to base the details on the general facts that we had. 

Organizations and human right's defender centre presented a long detail ,recording of martyrs and wounded Palestinians. Since now numbers of Entefazeh martyrs has been announced nearly 3000 persons. (Except for the martyrs of Janine camp which at that rate goes up  to 500) from this figure of 2578 persons  by  famous Zionists military power and 23 by those Zionist living in  a town  and 230 of them  were killed in suicidal terrors.

Terror of the Entefazeh leaders by Zionists death squads is one of the important indicators of Zionists terrorism acts against Palestinians and Entefazeh. According to the last records even now more than 50 persons of holy war soldiers and Entefazeh section were martyred by the brutal Zionist squads. Among them we can point to Yaser Majed Ahmad Alabhami (24 yrs old) one of the holy soldier of Islamic Jihad Palestinian movement who was martyred on 28th september1991. Another soldier who was martyred by Zionists was Aboali Mustafa the leader of human battle for Palestine. Based on the available stats about 40,000 Palestinians were injured by the effect of Zionists different weapons. Zionist regime in order to vanquish Alghasa Mosque Entefazeh used martial bullets, plastic, metal, mortal shell and even atomic missiles.

27 percent of the wounded were under 18 and most injuries were in the head, chest, neck and stomach area and 10 percent of the injuries were reported as harsh.


During 12 first months of Entefazeh, Zionist regime arrested more than 4000 Palestinians 1000 of which are still in holding so these ways the numbers of detainees reach more than 2500 persons. Among these people about 300 are children and 13 are women.

Palestinian zones in 1984 and Entefazeh

The magnificent Aghasa mosque in Entefazeh proved that Palestinians who were living in the occupied zones in 1948 and before that, despite all the Zionist cultural, political and social effort to metamorphosis Zionists made so many attempts to change the Palestinians crisis from a Palestinian-Israeli dispute to an internal Palestinian against Palestinian and in some cases they prospered in arresting a great number of Palestinian knights and disbarment of Islamic movement groups was one of the results of this action.

The second round of Entefazeh began with the Ariel Sharon cabinet in occupied Palestine. Sharon also known as the butcher whose brutal remarks in 1982 were in Lebanon, in Sabra and Shetila after obtaining minister position of Zionist regime during a sinister presence in noble Qods, While insisting on Bait- AL- Moqadas is a Jewish City and Balash regime is trying to place Bait-Al-Moqadas as its capital also confirmed, cleansing the Islamic remarks of Alghasa mosque, replacing Muslims first kiblah with Jewish symbols. Sharon's declaration in the courtyard of noble Alghasa mosque was at the same time of revealing the news on Zionist secret excavating operations under Alghasa mosque with the intentions of demolishing the mosque, which was faced with huge Palestinian objections and caused the second round of Entefazeh which is also known as Entefazeh Alghasa.

 Entefazeh's new round started exactly from September 2000, in addition to its specialties had its effect on different aspect of political and social Zionist life. The Most important effects are:

1) Alghasa Entefazeh began to object presence of Sharon in the mosque and also dishonor the Islamic generations and therefore it owned a spiritual and ecclesiastical aspect. This aspect brought about the instigation of Muslims feeling and forming a union with Palestinians, this also caused the union of Palestinian groups within.

 2) In the new round of  the new Entefazeh, because of the huge people's revolt and also because of the huge volume of Zionist violations, all Palestinian layers contributed in the Entefazeh. Death of Mohammad Al Dore a 5 years old son of a Palestinian knight or Ima Hojof a Palestinian infant and subsequently women, children, youngsters, elderly and teenagers in Zionist attacks narrates the presence of all people in this fight. Presence of non Palestinian women in self slaughter activities is another sign of this departure being expanded.

3) Self slaughter action was used as a deathful, destroying and uncontrollable weapon among Palestinian fighters. Positive usage of these action after being done, such as sending the letters that were written by the mothers who their children were martyred in these kind of activities to the international societies or distribution of their speeches before the actions had a great effect on minds worldwide. The worthy point in these actions was taken in the heart of the Zionist zones and frightened them more than ever.

In addition to all these Entefazeh also had these effects on Zionist:

Forcing Israelis to leave the residential buildings of Jews in the occupied Palestine after 1967 was one of the main Entefazeh intentions which led to some successes.  Even though since now a series of constant or organized attacks have been done, but from the beginning of the second Entefazeh these politics were obvious. The signs of this matter were pretty obvious in the case of Jordan's river where the economical spoiling of these zones caused the immigration of many Jews from these places. The main reason of this immigration in addition to economical matters was addresses to lack of tranquility.

According to the last announced records at least 3000 of Zionists who lived in the residential buildings that formed 1/5 percent of 200,000 burgesses living in Bactrian cost and Qazeh line have left their houses during the last year.  Entefazeh has also caused the reduction of immigration and striking the composition of population in Israel, increasing public dissatisfaction among Jews and intensification of social figures in this regime.  

The most important internal effect of Entefazeh should be a search within the Zionist economics. Removal of a great amount of capitals to abroad and diminution of new capitals.  


Reduction of foreign capitals, increasing wave of unemployment, damages done to tourism sections, and fall of the value of Israeli money are the main Entefazeh results. A Palestinian economy specialist explains the Israeli economy "small and companion to global changes". Although he believes that fast economical changes in the world specially America and plus Palestinians Entefazeh has made this structure so fragile and even though their economy system is something like the governmental guided system but still remain in a lack of equilibrium. According to specialist's presumptions, Entefazeh was a ponder stroke on Zionist figure even though this was counted as a public resistance within, against Israeli economy.

 Zionist regime was forced to allocate more than $750 million for fighting against Entefazeh. These expenses had a direct effect on substructure of Zionist economical actions. This fact is more obvious when we know that this economical pressure was followed with complete discontinuance of foreign capitals injections, fall of 5percent of share's values, 30 percent reduction of tourisms section's income and close down of 25 big hotels in this section.

Alghasa Entefazeh

The second round of this movement, especially in the beginning of Hood's second year was faced with global transition which was strongly influenced by each other. The September 11 tragedies and attacks to the commercial towers in New York and Famous Pentagon building in Washington took place when the Palestinian fighters were entering constant actions against Zionists. With September 11 taking place and attracting worldwide public attention to America's events Zionists used the opportunity to eradicate the protestors. Zionist tanks and helicopters from September 2001 entered the mission and started to demolish people's houses and structure of independent Palestinian zones.

The professional terror unit of the regime chased and terrorized the Palestinian leaders and they successfully managed to martyr some of them, not knowing Palestinian people have entered their own special way and these events wont make a difference in the process of their fight and more tragically were continuing despite the world not paying any attention and America's message of "Fighting against terrorism" attracted global attention so much so that no one could see the obvious symbol of terror in Palestine! In this kind of situation Palestinian fighters resorted to threaten Israel's security and self slaughter was the best way for it. 15 self slaughter cases occurring in less than 4 months and following that mad Zionist attacks to Palestinians were indicating the success of these kinds of actions. One of the expanded Zionist aggressions, attacking Janine city and brutally killing people by Israeli soldiers which was interpreted as Sabra and Shetila tragedies repetition. It is said that in this event nearly 500 people were killed.

Even though all international societies, all the countries in the world, liberated people, and man kind admirers with huge protests condemned the regime actions in killing Palestinian people but the impudent authorities of the regime without paying any attention to the international objections still continued their violations. Without any doubts the main reason for this was America's support for continuing these savage actions. America from one side verifies international declarations about withdrawal of Israeli powers from Palestinian lands is trying to protects its international side, but from the other side continues supporting the racist Israeli regime.

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